
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Automatic Human Detection and Energy Saving System based on Zigbee Communication

The Automatic detection of human and Energy saving design is divided in to two sub systems (1) Transmitting section and (2) Receiving section.
The transmitting area comprises of (1) Zigbee transmitter (2) LPC2148 (ARM7) Microcontroller, (3) Temperature Sensor (LM35) (4) IR Transmitter-Receiver (5) PIR Sensor(D203B) .The appropriating segment comprises of (1) LPC2148 (ARM7) Microcontroller (2) Zigbee receiver(3) Consumer electronic apparatuses. Fig.1 shows the Block graph of the Automatic recognition of human and Energy saving system utilizing zigbee

The IR sign and PIR sensor signs are associated with the transmitter side arm7 microcontroller I/O ports to P1.16 and P1.17 separately. Measured temperature esteem and Light intensity  esteem are given to ADC1.1& ADC1.2 individually. Zigbee transmitter is joined with pin 19 of arm7 microcontroller on TX side. 

Light and fan are joined with the receiver side arm7 microcontroller I/O ports to P0.11 and P01.12 separately. Zigbee recipient is associated with pin 17 of arm7 microcontroller on Rx side. 

When an individual enters in the room, the IR sign instantly emulated by PIR signal is created. Then number ought to be augmented. When no individual is put forth in the room (i.e., count=0) then send commands to recipient to switch off light and fan. 

When individual is exhibit (i.e., count>0), 

a. Depending on if esteem of temperature >50 then send command to Rx to switch ON fan else switch off the fan. b..If light power is dull then send command to Rx to switch ON light else switch off the light. 

Individual passageway is recognized by PIR indicate promptly accompanied by IR indicate. Then decrement number. The charges are sent to beneficiary as accompanies. To start with from M1 to Zigbee TX and afterward to Zigbee Rx then afterward to M2.The units are worked utilizing P0.11 and P0.12 qualities as a part of M2. 

Step1: Start

Step2: Initiate microcontrollers M1, M2.

Step 3: Check for IR interrupt signal. If it is followed by PIR signal, then increment count. Step4: When count >0 do the following:
1. If temperature >50 then send a command to receiver to switch ON fan else send a command to receiver to switch OFF fan

2. If room intensity is dark then send a command to receiver to switch ON light else send a command to receiver to switch OFF light.

3. Check for PIR signal. If it is followed by IR interrupt signal. Then decrement count. Step 5: When count<0 s="s" span="span" style="letter-spacing: -.05pt;">end command to receiver to switch OFF fan and light.
Step 6: Repeat the steps 3, 4 and 5 in parallel.